Thursday, June 21, 2007

"But this one goes to 11"

So far Adelina's spinal tap (see title for spinal tap fans) came back normal for her blood count and blood work was also ok. She's receiving 2 types of antibiotics over a 48 hour period in case she has an infection. We're waiting on an EEG and a download of her monitor information to see if that helps figure out what happened yesterday. I'm staying out of the way during rounds in the lounge... This place is incredible, but the fact that all of the doctors look to be my age is pretty funny.

We think that the "seizure" she had was due to reflux issues which medications should help (actually an increase of what she has). If the EEG does not come back normal, an MRI will follow and a detailed look at the hemangiomen on her neck.

Adelina has been through a lot in her short little life and to think of what could have happened after all of this.... please just take a look at these:

Infant CPR

Children 1-8


Anonymous said...

Friend of the Fox's, praying for your Addy.

Anonymous said...

Get it together Addy! Love, Dominic and Enzo

Kelly and Gia said...

We are praying for you all! Love, Gia and Kelly

Anonymous said...

Another Fox Family friend keeping Addy in my prayers.