Adelina turned 3 months old over Father's Day weekend and weighed in at 5lbs 1oz.
We were playing sharades... we're still not sure what she was trying to say here.
She had a follow up eye exam this morning with Doc Koller and all is still well with the exception of a little near sitedness that may disappear. We follow up again in a week! Her monitor has been going off quite often for "apnea" but it's really just shallow breathing and she recovers on her own.
Big Sis, Gianna, is adapting to life with a new baby with ease. She calls her "sis" and tries to share everything with her (this means putting her juice cup, toys, whatever in her bassinet).
Adelina chillin out in her bouncy chair during some awake time.
Addy is looking awesome! And gianna is gorgeous as well! Hope her eyes stay good! Nathan didn't need glasses until he was 2!
What wonderful pictures! It must be so nice (and a handful) having your little girl home with her big sister!
You have a beautiful family :)
What a lovely photo's.
Glad to have found your site.
In the picture where Addy is playing charades, she is imitating her Mommy doing her famous Fonzi dance.
I can't believe how big Adelina has gotten! She is so beautiful!! Gi-gi looks like she is enjoying the company!
I love the pics, keep sending them. give everyone kisses from us!
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