Friday, June 22, 2007

Third Time's A Charm

Adelina's Upper GI went well this morning and all is functioning normally, so they were able to start her on some medicine to help empty her stomach more quickly. This will help with her reflux issues and belly distention.

She in the middle of a repeat car seat test, so I'll be taking her home this afternoon (again). This puts her at three hospital stays (85 days in all) and enough for one life time if you ask me. She's coming home on increased prilosec as well to make sure we don't have to come here again.

I'm sure the babysitters are just lined up now... right?

Thanks to everyone for the phone calls, emails and posts. It really does keep me going some days! Adelina - you are aging Mommy beyond my years, but I love ya. I'll post some of her pictures when we get home :)

Welcome Home Again Little Lady - Now STAY THERE.

We were hoping this was the last chapter in this saga , but it's really the first chapter in a very exciting story. All that other nonsense was just preface.

A shout out to Nina Fox who also made it home this week ~ You've come a long long way Baby.


Anonymous said...


I'm glad that Addy is back home again. I've been thinking of her and hoping that everything would be okay :)

I hope this is all a distant memory soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh Addy, stay home for now on! We are so glad you are going home again. Angelina, Kate and Marisa miss you and we want to come visit soon. Love and Kisses!XOXOXOXOXO

Anonymous said...

No more funny stuff little lady.
Keep it together for your mom's sake!

Anonymous said...

Nice nudey shot Addy! I am sure that will get some giggles at your wedding some day...

You are still so beautiful it is a joy to watch you grow little Koa!

Anonymous said...

Well written article.