Wednesday, June 6, 2007


Adelina's pneumogram study was finished this morning and Doc Shrager said he was a little surprised with the results. Adelina wasn't showing signs of bad reflux, but of central apnea. There are three types of apnea: obstructive, central and mixed.
Central is when the part of the brain that controls breathing doesn't start or maintain the breathing process properly. It's pretty common in premature infants, because the respiratory center in the brain is immature!
So the results and her blood count yesterday showing signs of anemia earned her a blood transfusion tonight. She'll receive 30ml tonight and 20ml tomorrow with some lasixs for the extra fluids.

A repeat pneumogram will run on Friday to see if the blood is helping the apnea. She was having a lot of periods of shallow breathing tonight, so we are glad to see her get some help. If the blood is not the answer, she'll do a trial on caffeine and another pneumogram. Her IV band is safety-pinned to her shirt because she cannot be trusted, so she's still ready for a fight. But she looks comfy and was feeding great even after being poked a bunch of times. Mom may be the one who needs some anxiety pills.


Anonymous said...

Needing anxiety pills? You and me both! -bro

Judith and Jason said...

well now is your chance to take more formula, blankets and anything else you forgot the first time out.

Jennifer said...

Don't worry Adelina, Mommy and Daddy are not all GREY yet! There is still a long way to go!