Thursday, December 13, 2007

9 Month Check Up

Can you believe we're at the 9 month mark???

The skinny on the visit:
  • lungs sound clear (good news), so congestion is all upper airway from the reflux

  • the congestion is making her work hard to breathe, so we'll be seeing GI on Monday for a schedule to re-work the GI studies and we'll go from there

  • To be sure about the lungs since, we're also to see the pulmonologist asap. A lot of her quirks mean that she's protecting her airway, so we just have to make sure with an xray, etc that they are indeed clear.

  • Neo-natal follow up on Tuesday

  • She's 13lbs 12oz and 25 inches long, hit all the adjusted milestones and then some...

Go Adelina! You should have seen the doctor's face when he saw her crawl backwards. I think it even freaked him out - she's Super Preemie!!!

1 comment:

Judith and Jason said...

That's great news about A's lungs!
Hopefully they can figure out what the deal is with her so you can take a breather from all these appts!!
Crazy crawling backwards! Yep she's something else!