Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!

We had quite the year and it was nice to have a "quiet" Christmas... Adelina has been pretty fussy and spitting up/vomiting on her new formula more than ever before. We are to start the medication next week and hope that it helps put an end to this for her.

We have decided to go ahead with the scope and hospitalization in lieu of putting a tube in her to bypass the stomach (J Tube). We're not sure what this is going to show us anyway, but she's been through enough with the tubes and wires for now... and frankly, so have we.

So hopefully in the new year, we will have a better and clearer picture of her overall health. We will be off to the pulmonolgist after she finishes up this GI nightmare. RSV season is over (for Adelina) in March/April, so COME ON SPRING!!!

Thank you to everyone for their kind words and thoughts over the holidays - and for knowing that we aren't able to spend them with anyone besides immediate family. We're hoping for a healthy and happy 2008 with another added member (that is hopefully FULL TERM and HEALTHY) and more sane parents.

1 comment:

Judith and Jason said...

Here's to 2008! 2007 you kicked our A**!