Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Photo Shoot

I finally had a lot of down time for some pictures... Adelina loves being home or at least we love her home!

She's been very easy so far and has only had a few episodes since her last visit back to the NICU (all self recovered). We are incident free for two days in a row, so hoping to keep it up and ditch the monitor and caffeine soon.

She's eating almost 3 oz every 4 hours - what a champ!

Mom and her chicks.

Gianna doing "nice nice" to baby sister Adelina. Good girl Gianna :)

Adelina on my lap during a wake period. She has about two times per day where she can stay awake for a few hours.

Adelina??? Trick Photo - That was Gianna. Pretty funny!

Adelina & Gianna with their biggest fan.


Jennifer said...

Welcome home again, Adelina!!
You have a great big sister and she will take care of you!
I think that we have finally seen a TRUE SMILE from your mommy and daddy, its so good to see! Keep eating and we will come visit you soon!
The Keils

Judith and Jason said...

Yes time to exhale and enjoy!

Anonymous said...

Welcome home Addy! You are a true inspirtation! We can't wait to come visit...keep up the good work!! Love, Eric, Jamie and Erica

Anonymous said...

Great pictures! Hope you are adjusting to the monitor well!

Anonymous said...

I am sure Gianna is extremely happy now that mommy and daddy are home more and she has a little sister to play with! It is so nice to see big smiles on all of your faces! Lots of love and happiness!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures! Love the one of the girls on the floor - so cute! I am so happy that Adelina is home again. Love you guys!!
- Mo Duff

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family! So happy Addy is home and healthy!

FFF (Fox Family Friend)

Anonymous said...

Welcome home cousin Adelina ! I can't wait to finally meet you! I have so much to teach you. Get big soon so I can teach you all the things you need to know to drive your parents crazy. I am pretty good at that.
PS tell Gianna I said hi.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home cousin Adelina! You are getting so big. I can't wait to see you again!
Cousin Chris