Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Signing Off (Again)

Maverick and Goose meet again...

Watching some Baby Einstein videos with Da Da

Gianna playing the spoon...

and Adelina sleeping through it all....

This is our last post unless of course we have another event needing posts - Let's hope not!!! We are thanking everyone again for checking in on us and Adelina hopes to meet everyone soon. She'll be on sabbaticle during RSV season.
For those who have not been contacted about the First Annual Sofia & Vincent Memorial Golf Outing... The event will be held Monday, August 13th at Makefields Highlands Golf Club.
We are having a few hole contests, a beer cart, 50/50, and dinner afterwards. Please contact Vince at vcalvanese@hotmail.com for more details on foursome information, sponsoring a hole or attending the dinner afterwards (open to all). We have set up a charity in our children's names with profits going to Abington Memorial NICU, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia and the March of Dimes. This is our way of lighting a candle for our little ones every year and a tax deduction for all of you (who's the accountant?).


Anonymous said...

Health and happiness to your family!

Anonymous said...

I'd love to join you and Gianna for some Baby Einstein.


Anonymous said...

Blessing to you!

Anonymous said...

Wishing you all the best!

Vin (Judith's Bro), Heather, Ada & Ben DiYenno

Renee said...

Best Wishes! Can't wait to meet her!
Gianna, take care of your little sister and give her lots of kisses!


Renee & Matt

Kelly and Gia said...

We will be at the golf outing! The girls look so cute together. We can't wait to see you all!
Love Kelly and Gia

Anonymous said...

Adelina isn't sleeping in that last picture, she is just thinking about all the crank phone calls to be made on DFFD and why she keeps getting called ADDYS!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am going to miss checking the blog everyday but am so glad things are going great for Adelina. Miss you all and can't wait to see all of you together! Welcome Home Addy!

Paula said...

Lots of good wishes and prayers for a wonderful and healthy summer. We have been following your story and have been touched by all you have gone through. All our best. Love, The Engle's: (Paula, Scott, Emma and Matthew-Nina Fox's family)