Adelina did well at her neo-natal follow up at CHOP this month. She weighed 11lbs 6oz and was 22in long - 50% on the preemie chart! She had to be put on another medication for reflux since she is maxed out on a dose of her existing medication and still having problems. Her lungs are also an issue as she has re-developed chronic lung disease. We have her on an inhaler for now and hoping that's all we have to use every day. She had to have her shots spaced out because the flu shot made her very ill... next is her first round of RSV. She'll get one a month until the season (Nov - April) is over. We are supposed to keep her on a short leash due to the issues she's having now with the wheezing, coughing and shallow breathing. So - See you all in the Spring!!
Otherwise, she is rolling over all over the place, smiling constantly, sleeping 12 hours at night and eating (finally) well for us. She's able to bring her hands together and push up when she's on her belly. Big sister Gianna is in love with "sheesh" or "sis."
"First time" checking!
Thinking about you all and looking back at this blog from day one. Keep on Trucking.
Blog world missed you!
Good job with the rolling and eating Addy!
Addy will get through this season just like she has all her other challenges with the love of her big sis and family. I can't believe how much she has grown. Sorry Vince, I really thought she looked like you at first, but now she is Jen #3!!!
Thank you so much for the updates! We love them!
Grow grow grow Adelina! We are all cheering you on!
the Keils
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