Friday, June 8, 2007

Triple Venti Latte

Addy received part deux of her blood yesterday morning, but with a few episodes in between she earned her cup of joe. She is doing much better on the caffeine and her test results showed no infection. She still has her little periods of fast and slow breathing, but the monitor at home will help us figure out when it's too much for her and needs some help.

I was trained on the monitor and went over CPR again, so we feel confident bringing her home ASAP and hopefully this weekend. Get it together Addy! We did get to say goodbye to some of our favorite nurses who weren't working last week at discharge (they told us that we could have just called!). Adelina turns 3 months on the 16th!

Nurse Barb took good care of Adelina for readmission and kept Mom laughing! Thanks Barb - wish we had you during our first 2 1/2 months at least once!

Nurse Grace and her girlfriend Adelina. Grace is always giving us tips! - we love Grace.

Adelina gives nurse Ann Marie her "touch down" move to let her know she loves her too.

And nurse Rohjin (I'll go back and fix this spelling) took care of Addy when she was a little seedling.


Anonymous said...

The apnea monitor isn't so bad! It's easy until it alarms 5x in the middle of the night while you're trying to sleep cause SHE pulled the leads off! lol


Jennifer said...

Adelina, you are always keeping mommy and daddy on their toes, Good Job!
wait until your 16 and dating!
Love ya!

Lathan, Lauren, Logan, London said...

Awww man...that's tough. My little guy Logan came home from the NICU for three days and then had to be readmitted. It was one of the hardest things I ever had to do...give him back when all I wanted was for him to be mine!

I'm praying that Adelina comes home this weekend...AND STAYS HOME!!!