November went pretty quickly over here and we can't believe this year is almost over... actually, we hoping to leave it behind us and get
thru next year with what looks to be preemie
Calvanese #5 on the way.
My computer crashed and it looks like I lost quite a few recent photos as well as everything I had!!! Regardless, here are some recent pictures and a family update:

Adelina is growing strong... she is still struggling with her lungs and reflux, so we're still avoiding public places and people with or around children (we call her "Bin Lina). She's still on a lot of medicine and the inhaler, but we're hoping to see if there is something better. We are visiting GI again next week and then towards the end of the month will go for her
neo-natal follow up at Children's Hospital to see how she is catching up and if she'll need another form of help with her breathing. In the meanwhile, we'll be taking her for a 9 month (Can You Believe It??) check up and another RSV shot. We have no clue how much she weighs right now, but we can tell she's growing into her clothes.

She's all over the road kicking and grabbing and trying to keep up with big sis, Gianna. She's finally drinking enough formula and her meal time is getting better. She's happy to know that she is going to be a big sister in the spring and that this is the last set of holidays where she won't be eating turkey! We spent them alone to be safe, but cooked as if everyone was coming over!!! We're hoping to grow some hair, but it took almost until now for Gianna to get some so I guess the hair bows will wait too.

Glad to hear Addy is doing ok. She looks great! I can't believe how much Gianna looks like Vince in that picture!! Miss you guys!!!
Glad to hear all is well in lockdown mode. Yes you the mother bear and will emerge in the springtime with yet one more cub. (Can you believe I made that up on the spot) amazing!
We, like you guys, need to get out more!!!
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