Thursday, November 1, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Adelina was so excited to dress up that she wore her costume for a total of 10 minutes! She also went to bed early and missed out on trick or treating, but Gianna burned the midnight oil as she hit the pavement in search of the Great Pumpkin. I think her father ate most of her candy though...

Gianna wasn't too happy about wearing the head piece, so she walked around as a half dog / half girl, which is about close to what we think she is anyway. She could have cared less about candy, but if someone had a dog at the front door...
Adelina closed out this month at around 12 lbs and about 22 1/2 inches long. She's finally up to date on her vaccines as we had to give her one every two weeks - she gets very sick from pretty much anything and then has trouble breathing. We've started her monthly shots for RSV and we'll keep her hiding in an underground cave until further notice. She's due next month for a trip back to the GI doctor at Children's and she'll finally start eating cereal & veggies like a big kid. She's started laughing, passing things from hand to hand and is practicing sitting up as much as we can w/0 her throwing up from pressure on her stomach.


Judith and Jason said...

Looking good girls! Love the pics!

The Domans said...

The girls look so adorable! Love the updates!

Anonymous said...

She looks great !! I was just looking at your site to see how she was doing and can't believe my eyes--what a big beautiful girl!! Hope all is well, I love all the updates-makes me realize that even on a really bad day at work my job is the best in the world. Take care!

Anonymous said...

They looked so cute for Halloween! We can't wait until the spring to see all of you! Keep the updates coming...we love hearing how wonderful Addy is doing!