Let's start with the good stuff:
Our little Miss weighed in at 13lbs 7oz and was 25 inches long. So she's now doubled her length since birth!!! She still looks like a 2 month old, but she's like a TMX 2 month old... she rolls over, laughs, sits up (as of tonight) and now rocks back and forth on all fours. It really looks like a movie stunt...
Onto the other news: The reflux has become a major problem and we're working on the last resort attempts to remedy it. I've made the recommended changes and she actually seems worse - poor appetite to add to the already gagging, coughing, choking... good news is that she is trying to protect her airways, bad news is that it's still going down the wrong pipe.
GI wants to see her back in three weeks and then we'll see the neonatologist at CHOP as well to determine what is the next step. She's already had an upper/lower GI, a pneumogram 24 hour study, barium swallow and milk scan... what could be left!!??? I guess we'll find out, eh!
She's also showing signs of some sort of allergy... may be the soy, may be seasonal or something else??? Her eyes are a bit swollen and watery - Gianna had the same thing, so we're assuming it's the soy protein and the milk protein allergy! Nice work girls!!
I'll keep everyone posted and I apologize if I'm not returning emails fast enough as I don't get much computer time since I have to use Vince's computer until mine is fixed. I know who all you closet bloggers are, so feel free to post!
Super cute naked A!
What a big girl sitting all by yourself playing! I can kinda sit too, so maybe if our parent lean us up against each other we could play with something....the flower thing??? Please give mom and dad a break with the GI stuff!
See you soon!
Nice nudey shot that is bound to end up on your wedding montage some day!
You continue to amaze me little Koa!
I love the nudy girl! Stay well everyone! we miss you!!
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